Published On: November 26, 2020229 words1.3 min read

Today I am thinking about the practice of looking for and finding the magic. Remembering that we too are part of nature’s miracles and beauty.

That for all our quirks, interests, talents and growth we can unfurl like nature’s garden. AT ANY AGE!


We can turn our faces up to the sun sun_with_face and soak in the light so we may then reflect it back to the world in our full colors. Let’s no longer be afraid of showing up in the world. BE adventurous, challenge ourselves, and get the heart pumping!

Let’s shed the old ideas of who we thought we SHOULD be for who we really ARE.

Let’s do our own inner work together so we can release the past and our own inner critic so our creativity and magic can flow.


It’s not always easy to tap into those long lost dreams and visions, or find new ones. Sometimes we have too many 🙃🫣🤷🏻‍♀️ lol!


It doesn’t matter our age either, it’s never too early or too late to tap into and channel what we are being called to BE. Colours of BEING. let them shine!


We have something super fun coming that will transform the way we show up for our next chapter. Stay tuned and sign up to be the first to hear about it!

@Donna Reina | Coloursofbeing

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