Welcome! Colours of Being was born out of an idea that life is filled with brightness and joy, sorrow, and pain, all of the colours!
And yet through it all, we can emerge, remember, and develop deep curiosity about how to make a super creative life over 50 something we’re excited about. I know it’s possible, I’ve become an artist, I have had so many insane adventure solo travel experiences, all over 50!
I have been working all year to bring this community together. 🦋
I DO know is this year has been so different for me on so many levels.
Most years, I travel quite extensively and go to live concerts all the time. This year has been a year that I’ve taken a pause on that and have been focusing on how I can help women over 50.
I’ve been going deep on what will really light up my soul for the future, while helping g others do the same WITH me! Yay! It’s hard to make new friends at this age, so what IF we can create a community of amazing women who come together to support and love each other?
While I absolutely loved all the concerts and travel I did last year (epic experiences), this year I’ve been in creation mode. Art, writing, mindfulness and meditation. (Oh my lord did I have so many incredible, once in a lifetime type of experiences last year!) i.e. Joni Mitchell in concert TWICE, 20+ concerts, the Gorge with Brandi Carlisle and Friends, U2 at the Sphere, a week on San Juan Island, Mammoth Lakes hiking and mountain biking, and the topper… over a month in South America… Antarctica, Patagonia…. it was the year of YES, oh I saw that band in concert too, haha!)
I have been more intentional this year. Say “no, not now” or “no, not yet”. It’s not about cutting myself off in any negative way, but rather moving my focus to creativity and maybe a bit less distractions.
I know, you are thinking, why start now?
Well, I have been feeling this calling to create. Do you ever get that whisper that you should do something, make something, write something, draw, whatever? I get that ALL the time, yet don’t often listen or do something for a bit then let my busy schedule get the best of me. Or if I can’t do something all the way I don’t do anything. That’s just an excuse, I know it and yet, fall into that pattern over and over.
Soooo… this year, it hit me, what IF I started saying NO more often? What IF I said no to distractions, no to the trauma response that makes me feel sleepy when I start creating something (oh yes, this is real… like almost narcolepsy type sleepy). THAT was a whole discovery recently… I thought I was getting sick or something, but nope. Good ‘ole trauma. Figured out where it stemmed from in my childhood, (THAT was NOT fun), but rewrote some of that history, and am taking my power back.
When I was newly in recovery over 20 years ago I was taught the phrase “With responsibility comes freedom”. It took me a bit of practice to understand what that meant. When I started incorporating more structure into my life, I felt better and more comfortable in my skin. There was freedom in that I showed up, was CONSISTENT in my weekly routine and started healing. That discipline comes and goes, the wild child in me takes over sometimes… haha. A lot of times who am I kidding… especially because I work and commute, so I resist structure at night and weekends. Maybe there can be this thing called focus for 25 minutes at a time? I don’t really think balance is a thing… at least not for me..
I always felt though this longing inside to be free, wild in more healthy ways 🤪, a calling to something… I still feel that today. There’s an energy pulsating at my core that hasn’t quite figured out its full expression. Nature and the wilderness are a constant pull for me. When out there in the wild, I DO feel the most like ME. There’s something elemental that explodes my soul open. It honestly feels like I am bursting open and every single cell is lit up and vibrating on such a different plane. Sounds so esoteric, but really it’s just plain fun.
So about this THING in me to pause, to say no more often, to allow myself to create. Saying no to things that are toxic, relationships that are hurtful, being the only one who makes an effort, Nope. Not for me. Saying NO to sleeping late instead of exercising before work. Just because I can doesn’t mean I should. I was reminded recently that part of recovery from anything is being super honest in those moments when no one is looking. Ouch.
This year I’ve also gotten up much earlier than ever in my life. I exercise, write then get ready for work. Now I can’t tell you how many times I have heard this is a good idea. Good for mental and physical health. Anyone who knows me absolutely knows I am not a morning person. Or at least I wasn’t. Now this practice is working so well, I actually look forward to it.
What I DO need to get better at is going to bed earlier still a night owl, still fight going to bed like I’m two.
I hope you’ll join me in this exploration and experience. Together we can create lives that are more meaningful, exciting and connected.
To start, let’s write 5 things that you’ve always wanted to learn or experience and share them with me.
Donna Reina | Colours of Being